2- Bubble Diagram Switches

Bubble Diagram Switches 
    This is the second week of school, and I was able to start getting more in-depth with my bubble diagrams for my project and explore new ways of examining bubble diagrams with other people. During this week, we were tasked with switching our Capstone projects with another person in the class in order to help get new eyes and ideas for bubble diagrams, and the schematic process. I was able to switch my capstone which is an event space and community center with another student in the class that was working on a co-working space made for women. 
    We exchanged our projects, and we came up with a few bubble diagrams for each other in order to help shed new light on our projects, and how we can best lay them out. She had those helpful suggestions when it came to you laying out more of my big spaces such as the event center and meeting areas, I was able to help her out with her coworker in space by trying to create more circulation between the outside patio area, and the main entrance.

                                           My bubble diagram. for the other student's co-working space.

                        The other student's bubble diagrams for my event space and community center. 
