3- Prototype Model Charette

 Bubble Diagram & Prototype Model Charette 

    During the third week of school, I was able to continue working on the bubble diagrams in space planning for my event, space, and community center. I was able to take some of the suggestions that the other student had for my bubble diagram into consideration when I was planning my space this week. When I came to the bubble diagrams, I try to play with a bit more of the bigger space such as my café area and event space, and how they would work with the conflicting ceiling heights that currently exist in the building. another consideration that I had to take into account was the way my building lay on the site and it which entrance would be the most accessible to people from the main street.
    I was unable to lay out my bubble diagram into more solidified block diagrams in order to see how square footage in the orientation of the space would work within the building. One of the challenges that I paste when I was looking at my space was the fact that it was a bit daunting to try to plan out 30,000 ft.² during this week. Another issue that I was running into was how to best incorporate my concept into the planning of my space. I try to orient the direction of the spaces, pointing it in a certain way, in order to mimic the concept for my space, which is the pilot otherwise known as the front piece of an old fashion train.
    We also worked on a timed Charette this week, where we participated in making a prototype model of a design element that would be going into our size. The element that I decided to work on for my design project was a pergola that would be positioned on a corner entrance of my building in order to help people be drawn into the space. The angular fashion in different lines depicted in the pergola helps to show my concept in the space by mimicking the angles in lines in a pilot that is on the front of an old fashion train, helping to drive the rest of the train forward. 

                                                                  Bubble Diagram 1
Bubble Diagram 2
Prototype Model of Pergola

