11- Floor Plan Fix and Bar Area Changes

   Floor Plan Fix and Bar Area Changes 

    During the 11th week of school, I got to work on some of the suggestions that were left for me from the DD presentation. I fixed some minor issues when it came to my floor plan and furniture plan. I also made some changes to the bar area to show more detail. Some of the main issues that were happening with the floorplan were the door swings and the lounge area by the bar which could just use a different seating arrangement in order to help with the circulation of the space more.
    With the bar area there needed to be more detail in order to depict the type of bar that I was going forward within that space. I was able to add some more trim to the back shelf area of the bar. I was also able to correct some mistakes when I came to the detailing feature on the front of the bar. Overall, the changes that I made in this way swear minor and did not affect the overall design that I had from the previous design development phase. 

Floor Plan Fix

Bar Area Change
