15- Continuation of Construction Docs/ Preparation for Presentations

 Continuation of Construction Docs/ Preparation for Presentations

    On the 15th week of school, I continued to work on my construction docs which included my furniture plan and furniture and equipment schedule, finish plan and finish schedule, along with the power and data plan. I also started working on different presentation elements which were the material board and branding and was able to complete those by the end of the week and have them ready for Presentations the following week.

I thoroughly enjoyed being able to set up the material board, since I have not had many opportunities to do so, within the past couple of years with physical materials, and found the experience very enjoyable. I tried to lay out my material board according to how you would perceive it through your eyes, so the flooring is any material that is supposed to be on the wall or ceiling towards the top end of the material board, which leaves the furniture finishes in the center along with different accent tiles. When I came to branding it for my space, I felt like it was important to incorporate the wine aspect into the branding, since it is not showcased as well in the design of the space.
       Material Board
