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16- Walk-Through/ Presentation to the Dean

Walk-Through/ Presentation to the Dean       On the 16th week of school, we presented our posters, material boards, walk-throughs, and branding to the dean of CAP. Within this week I worked on correcting my construction docs so that they would be ready to turn in for a final grade. I was also able to complete the walk-through of my space in order to help add it to the experience and have a better understanding of my design. during the presentation, I was able to set up all of my materials together in one corner, and then people could experience them all together and get a good overall feel for my project.      Overall, I received positive comments from the different people who observed my project. And I am glad that I was able to put everything together in a matter that was able to depict how I wanted my project to be. I will also include a QR code so that anyone can view my walk-through.. Final 3' x 6' Poster Walk-Though QR Code

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